What am I up to these days? Lots! Here's a quick run down.
- I'm nurturing my 6 month & 3 year old daughters, working on being a more loving wife, and seeking God. I feel like I'm doing better in these areas than I have been in a long time.
- I'm considering working out. For some of you this may be a no brainer, but for me it's not. I hate working out. I've never been a sporty girl. When I was younger I loved no work out exercise like walking places, skateboarding, etc. Lately I've been much too inactive and I don't like it. I don't like the way I feel or the way it looks on me. I know myself well enough to know I need to find something I'll enjoy or I'll never stick with it. I enjoy out Wii Fit+, but it's broken right now. Any suggestions?
- I'm crafting for the first time in a while. I had been knitting a lot, but have put that on hold for now. I recently began creating jewelry. I'm loving it! It's fun, easy, and the pieces make fantastic accessories. Here's a pic:

- I'm researching tattoo artists in the bay area and planning to get my tattoo for my birthday in August. If you have a suggestion let me know. I need someone who is good with lettering and, of course, works in a clean, safe shop.
- I've been feeling inspired to start sewing again. I'd like to start making things for my girls. I'm basically a beginning sewer. I took sewing in jr. high and made several things. In high school I made one of my halloween costumes by following a pattern. I hadn't used a machine in ages until two years ago when Kacey helped me make a quilt for my mom. Now I want to get a sewing machine. Anyone have suggestions for a good machine for beginners? I'm not even sure how to start comparing them or what to look for. Here's a pic of me holding up the quilt I mentioned:

- I've fallen into the busy day to day and haven't been spending time on myself. I want to remedy this for myself, but also for my family. I want to look nice for my husband. I want to set an example for my girls. I'm teaching them that inner beauty comes from loving the Lord. It shines through love and kindness that glorifies God. It comes from your character and it is the most important kind of beauty. I'm also teaching them that caring for yourself and your appearance is important too. The fact that it is less important doesn't mean it is unimportant. The best way I can teach them these things is by my example. To do that I need something easy so I'm working on a "five minute face" by trying new make-up tips and products. I'll let you know what I find. Please share if you have favorites I should check out.
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