Stumbling through, but always finding comfort in the Lord's embrace.
Thankful to know through it all His eye is on me & He delights in me.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Medical Insurance...Do Share
I've never had an H.M.O. so I know almost nothing about them. I know the main difference is that my General Practitioner would have to refer me to any other specialists, but not much else. What are the groups in this area? Do they include any of my current doctors? Would we still get to go to Good Sam?
I've never had Kaiser either, but at least 3/4 of what I've heard have been horror stories. After watching how they've handled Lenny's Grandpa after his stroke this past week I'm honestly somewhat frightened for their patients and have no desire to be one of them. Am I wrong? Are there others of you out there who have had wonderful experiences with them?
Please share. If you live in California (or used to) let me know what medical insurance you have or have had and what kind of reviews you'd give it. If you are involved with the medical community please share your thoughts. The more information we can get when making this decision the better. Thanks in advance for your help!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Almost Here
- I'm getting my hair done tomorrow (YAY for Jac being all better!). I'll post pictures.
- I'm one step closer to beginning my "tattoo process." I've decided on "She will always love." in a cursive or scroll font. It will be a wandering swirl on the back of my neck. Now I just need a mock up to hang somewhere. Do any of you graphic designer font ninjas have suggestions for fonts I should look at?
- I have a gift card for a facial & massage that Peter gave me for our anniversary that I think I'll schedule for next week.
- I have a gift certificate for a mani & pedi (thanks Lacie, Kacey, Andrew, & R.J.) from my birthday last year that I'm going to use.
Lessons in Contentment, Day 3
This morning Peter's car randomly rolled and was blocking a nearby apartment building's driveway. The cops were called. We got a $50 ticket. The car would have been towed, costing us $1,500, if Peter hadn't randomly decided to go running just as the cop showed up. Praise God for the tiny prompts He gives us! My lesson in this was how crazy it was that I focused first on the $50 we now owe instead of the $1,450 we don't.
Lesson Two (A.K.A. Today's Update):
I'm filling in at my old job today. It is a wonderful place. I'm getting the chance to spend time with women who are "soul refreshing" friends. The people who just seeing their smile makes your burdens feel lighter and life feel easier. It is such a blessing. It reminds me of all my other friends who do this for me and how I need to make more time for them. It reminds me that I'm blessed to have them. I miss my little girl, but I know she & her daddy are having a blast and being here today will help me be a better mommy.
Lesson Three (A.K.A. The Really Important One):
Some of you may remember my friend Donna. We used to work together here until I had my daughter. Wednesdays were the day we worked together. She's not here today because she is at chemo. Instead of getting to hear how things are from her I'm reading an e-mail. Her joy and upbeat personality still come through. I don't think she would mind if I share some of her wise words:
On the other hand, we can choose gratitude. Admittedly, this is the road less traveled. But then, that means a smoother ride - less bumps, potholes, and loose debris. This road always leads to somewhere better than where we are. It lifts us out of the mundane and invites us into the Divine.
Strangely, if we don't make the choice, it will be made for us by circumstances. Most of us are like cars with our wheels out of alignment. We automatically drift towards bitterness. Gratitude realigns our souls and keeps us on the right road."
1 Thes. 5:16-18
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Lessons In Contentment, Day 2
Let's take a moment right here. What does "everything prepared" mean? The moms out there know. It means your home, yourself, and your toddler. For the record, this is harder and more time consuming than it sounds.
...when I find out that the water has been turned off...again...with no notice. Arg. Where is that Note to Self I wrote? Where is that cheery attitude I had yesterday when this happened? I'm sure I'll find them, but for now I'm ticked. I don't want to take my daughter, my dirty hair, and I out to do errands sans shower.
Wait, here's my note. I found it while going to the kitchen where I also found my sense of humor and my daughter dipping a toy car in the cats' water bowl.
Monday, July 27, 2009
More Excitement!!
- Stephanie's blog totally blessed and is helping me.
- I got a coupon for a free pint of Starbucks Ice Cream!!
- I'M GETTING A PACKAGE FROM AMAYA TOMORROW!!! If you didn't know, I love mail and surprises!!
- My birthday is coming!
- Peter bought me cookie dough!
- Talicia is visiting soon!!!
Staggeringly Stupendous
Good Night!
Pink Is The New Grout
- I can be angry with an intimate my malfunctioning pitcher for example.
- We are no longer purchasing this particular flavor of Crystal Light, even if it does have antioxidants.
- The artificial colorings used for this drink have no business being in our bodies if they can stain my kitchen.
- My husband informed me that our water has been turned off without notice by the plumbers working on our building.
- My daughter dumped chocolate chips all over the newly scrubbed kitchen floor and began to eat them.
- I cleaned up said chocolate chips (yes, I did eat the last few left in the bag afterward).
- I realized again I haven't had any coffee all day.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Too Powerful And Beautiful Not To Share
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Do Something, Anything
Sunday, July 19, 2009
- Really good time in prayer
- My husband's arms
- My little girl's smile
- The sounds of my family enjoying themselves when I visit my folks
- My brother calling me, "Seester" or "The Joy of my Heart"
- Hugs from old friends who truly know me with all my many quirks and imperfections, yet still love me
- Chuck Taylors
- My favorite jeans.
- The perfect chai tea latte in the fall or caramel macchiato in winter or spring
- Driving down Santa Teresa on a warm day with the windows down and a good song playing.
- "America" by Simon & Garfunkel
Calling All Creative and/or Tattooed People
Friday, July 17, 2009
What's With the Name?
Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come,
Why should my heart be lonely, and long for heaven and home,
When Jesus is my portion? My constant friend is He:
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.
I sing because I’m happy,
I sing because I’m free,
For His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me.
“Let not your heart be troubled,” His tender word I hear,
And resting on His goodness, I lose my doubts and fears;
Though by the path He leadeth, but one step I may see;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.
Whenever I am tempted, whenever clouds arise,
When songs give place to sighing, when hope within me dies,
I draw the closer to Him, from care He sets me free;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.
Over the last year God has used these to remind me that He is always with me. He knows about my every joy and struggle I face and is there with me. It reminds me that even the littlest sparrow has His attention and so do I. Now and then I feel like the sparrows - tiny and not worth much in may people's eyes. It's then that I remember that to God those sparrows are beautiful and valuable, and I am even more so.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
It's So Very Beautifully, Bittersweetly True
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Now and then I feel lost in this world. I think we all do. Yesterday was a struggle for me because of that. The world felt so immense and I so minuscule. Part way through the day I went outside and sat on the steps to my apartment. I prayed for a while, pouring my heart out to God. I was reminded that I am His child, His cherished child. The one He will never leave or forsake.
After I came inside Peter and I stood in the kitchen talking. We talked and talked until we started to understand even better the person each of us had married. I was reminded that I am a wife, a loved and very lucky wife.
My parents called last night to see how I was doing after my Dr.'s appointment. My dad reminded me how important I am to him with affirming words and grand compliments I don't deserve, my mom with fussing and advice. I was reminded that I am a daughter, a daughter held dear by two amazing people.
Last night as Peter and I snuck into our room where our 18 month old daughter lay already sleeping there was a little voice in the darkness, "Hi." When Peter asked if she wanted to come snuggle with us for a moment before going back to sleep she replied, "yeah, yeah, yeah." When he laid her down next to me she rolled towads me, help me tight, and kissed my cheek. I was reminded that I am a mom, the most important woman in her life.
All of these things make up vital parts of who I am. There are smaller parts like being someone who loves to drive on sunny days with the music turned up unreasonably loud, who somewhat secretly loves Styx, who would be crushed on a small scale if her DVR didn't record "So You Think You Can Dance." I am that person. I am also someone who declined to meet Chris Carrabba for fear I'd make an idiot of myself and who gets rediculous when I'm tired. I get cranky when I'm hungry and relate all too well to Sandi Thom's, "I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker (With Flowers In Hair)." None of those things are as important as the beautiful reminders I received yesterday. The greatest part of who I am is one who loves Christ, her husband, her daughter, her parents, her brother, and her friends. Yesterday I thanked God for prayer, long talks, phone calls, and hugs. Today I thank Him for little lost cheerios and before work kisses goodbye.
Don't We All?
Luke 12:6-7
Monday, July 13, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Have You Seen Him?
Added Later:
But, in all fairness,
it was a no hitter.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Wake Up Call
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Hanging in my House
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives.
If you are honest, people may cheat you.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough.
It never was between you and them anyway.
-Mother Teresa-
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The Rest of the List of Things I Want:
- See previous entry for number one. (Note - accomplished on a walk with Kacey)
- To love like God
- More time with friends/deeper time with friends (especially Kacey, Lacie, Sarah, & Stacy)
- To go see Janette at the hospital
- A green dragon roll
- A pedicure
- Amaya to visit
- All my laundry to be magically done
- A massage
- Talicia to live in San Jose
- A pair of Red Engine jeans
- Amaya's mom's chocolate mousse
- To see my daughter's beautiful smile
- To continue learning how to be a better friend
- A vanity
- My hubbie to be home from work
- A bigger apartment (still on the wishlist, but no longer worrying about it)
- "Eli Stone" to be un-canceled
Praise God!
Monday, July 6, 2009
To Do List Day
- Shower (yes, that goes on the list)
- Katie over
- Mail baby shower invitations
- Pick up alterations (News to no one - I'm short)
- Stride Rite (baby is growing like crazy & her very cute, very wide feet need new shoes)
- Apple store (my new ipod, that recently replaced my old new ipod, is angry with me) (sidenote - I am beginning to be concerned that I am the opposite & adult version of Baby Touch & Go on "Heroes")
- Rico & Rachel over for mtg.
- Wii Fit
- Bible Study
Saturday, July 4, 2009
It was actually pulled through the parade by the hose! I loved it! There were some very cool cars too. There were 3 classic Mustangs, but all 3 were red convertibles. I LOVE classic Mustangs, but I'm just not as big on red ones or convertibles. Because of that my favorite cars were probably the Woody and the Willy. The owner of the Willy even let my girl sit in it! Here are some pics:
Have a wonderful 4th of July and remember how much we have to be grateful for!
I want to send a special thank you to Kerr, Scott D., Adam C., and all the other military men and women for serving and for going through things we back at home can't fathom. Thank you for giving so much.
Friday, July 3, 2009
P/S - My bad attitude has taken over. I may go back to bed to end this day as soon as possible. I want a re-do and a HUGE chocolate chip cookie.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Lessons Learn-ing
1. God really does delight in me and rejoice over me with singing (Zeph. 3:17). I do these things as a mom all the time without thinking anything of it, my Perfect and Loving Heavenly Father does the same. AMAZING!
2. Stop to smell the roses. Feel the sun on your face. Take time to enjoy the beauty of God's creation. Life will be better if you do. YOU will be better if you do.
4. Express yourself. Show and tell people how you feel (Prov. 27:5). Whether it be on your face, in your words, or with what you are wearing show the world where you are inside and who you are. This is really a repeat of several of Aldeana's lessons.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Nothing Like It
I absolutely love the confirmation words that pop up when I leave a comment on blogspot blogs. They make me smile. Who comes up with them? That is the job I want. I want to come up with those words/phrases/wonderful blurbs. To the person whose job that is I say, "Kudos! You are doing an amazing job!" They are! Leave a comment (or pretend you are going to) and see. You'll grin. It's hard not to.