I've decided to start selling the jewelry I've been making. I should be posting on FB & probably here as well within the next week. I'm excited, but nervous. It will be the rings & bobby pins I
posted. I'm also going to be selling some necklaces like this one.
I've decided not to make or sell anything that costs over $10. I want it to be things I'd be able to afford and would want to wear. I'm really enjoying making it! I'm going to give each of the pieces a name that fits it. Anyone have fun suggestions? It is all pretty retro so I'm thinking older names. The ring from the last post is "The Alice" in honor of my friend Theresa whom I made it for. I name everything so I think this part of it will be fun too. I might even do a giveaway on my blog so keep an eye out for that!
Create a business page on Facebook. That way it's separate and you can get people that may not be "FB friends" but they want to get the product AND you won't bombard your guy friends with jewelry posts. :)